Information environment

MAC responds to Increased Illegal Fines against Journalists imposed by “Georgian Dream” Police

Updatable link of fined journalists

Address to International Organizations and the EBU on the Developments at the Georgian Public Broadcaster

The temporary suspension of Vasil Ivanov-Chikovani from hosting news broadcasts represents an attempt by the GD aligned leadership of the Public Broadcaster to silence an objective journalist dedicated to the country's European aspirations.

MAC Calls for the Resignation of Public Broadcaster Leadership

The Public Broadcaster's biased actions are particularly alarming now, amid national protests against "Georgian Dream's" stolen elections, torture, mass violence, and the targeting of media representatives and political prisoners.

The events surrounding ‘Mtavari Arkhi’ represent a trend of curbing critical media

On January 27, Mtavari Arkhi reported that its satellite broadcasting had been cut off in Georgia’s regions and abroad. Restrictions on cable broadcasting have also been imposed, limiting the public's access to information.

Georgian Parliament bars non-broadcast media access, amid other restrictions

The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Georgia’s Parliament to lift all restrictions on journalists’ entry into the parliament building, introduced on November 25 amid widespread protests against alleged fraud in the country’s October parliamentary elections.

Vibrant Information Barometer

The Vibrant Information Barometer is an annual study by IREX that tracks how information is produced, spread, consumed, and used.

Your Voice is Heard Through Media

Under the Georgian Dream government, efforts to curb media freedom have culminated in the passage of the "Russian law" in May 2024. This law has drawn its name because it mirrors a proposal initially put forth by Putin in Russia, a scenario we refuse to emulate — a reality where critical voices are silenced, citizens are compliant, and their rights are neglected.