
Unmasked Executioners of Georgian Dream

The investigation uncovers the identities of the OMON leaders responsible for ordering the violent crackdown on pro-European demonstrations

Vote Secrecy not Secured

Widespread breaches of vote secrecy on October 26 Parliamentary Elections and a legal process associated with it.

Call Centers of Georgian Dream: who are the “Captains”?

Covert call centers of Georgian Dream to coordinate voter suppression.

Interim Report of Pre-Election Monitoring

Constitutional Court’s decision on the lawsuit against the Russian law

Georgian Dream Exploits the Tragedy of Ukrainian People for Political Gain

Interim Monitoring Report of ComCom Activities

What does ComCom’s “Mediacritic” see in the West, and what can it not see in Georgia?

Analysis of 139 articles of the “Mediacritic,” the web platform of the Communications Commission

The Constitutional Court is set to review four lawsuits challenging the Russian law