
The True Reasons Behind Irakli Shaishmelashvili’s Resignation from Law Enforcement

In an exclusive interview with Nodar Meladze, Shaishmelashvili reveals the true motives behind his exit from law enforcement.

Violence in Live

“In two weeks, Georgian Dream has injured more journalists than during the war.” – Guram Rogava, a journalist.

How journalists became targets of police violence

Story of six journalists who became victims of violence during protests

Public Protest and Solidarity during Pro-European Protests

Examples of solidarity and moments captured by journalists.

Unmasked Executioners of Georgian Dream

The investigation uncovers the identities of the OMON leaders responsible for ordering the violent crackdown on pro-European demonstrations

Physical Attack on TV Pirveli Crew

Brutal Attack on TV Pirveli Crew Aired Live during covering Pro-European Rally

Street Art Campaign in Support of Free Media

"Choose the Truth" is the slogan of the international campaign for World News Day, which the Media Advocacy Coalition is supporting with a local initiative.

Your Voice is Heard Through Media

Under the Georgian Dream government, efforts to curb media freedom have culminated in the passage of the "Russian law" in May 2024. This law has drawn its name because it mirrors a proposal initially put forth by Putin in Russia, a scenario we refuse to emulate — a reality where critical voices are silenced, citizens are compliant, and their rights are neglected.

Journalist’s Diary

Russian Law- Threat to Free Media

The documentary highlights the underlying motives and context surrounding the adoption of this law, examining why it is termed "Russian" and the dangers it presents to democratic processes.